Hello, I am trying to do an import of a Tab De-limited file and then extract certain fields.
I am looking to general comments and or a better more concise way of doing this, Thanks in advance... Dave Gilden -- Ft. Worth-less Texass Here is what I have so far (and it is not tested and my be incorrect!) ###Perl Code### open (FH, $fileIn) || "die Problem reading $fileIn $!\n"; while(<FH>){ push(@musicians, $_); } close FH; foreach (@musicians){ chomp; @tmpArray = split(/\t/,$_); $ssNum = $tmpArray[0]; $fName = $tmpArray[3]; $lName = $tmpArray[4]; $zip = $tmpArray[8]; $city = $tmpArray[9]; $state = $tmpArray[10]; $memberStatus = $tmpArray[12]; $phone = $tmpArray[19]; $instrument = $tmpArray[21]; $email = $tmpArray[33]; #### INSERT Into Data in to mySql Database ################### # using place holders $sql = "insert into $table_name values (null, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?,?, ?, ?, ?);"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($ssNum,$fName,$lName,$zip,$city,$state,$memberStatus,$phone,$instrument,$email); ## more code..... } Visit my schedule page for up to the minute performance info: <http://www.coraconnection.com/cgi-bin/schedule.pl> ============================================== Cora Connection: Your West African Music Source Resources, Recordings, Instruments & More! <http://www.coraconnection.com/> ============================================== -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://learn.perl.org/> <http://learn.perl.org/first-response>