--- David Dorward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (a) CPAN changes frequently
> (b) Most people don't need a complete CPAN archive
> > P2P is really hot and raging in some circles.  Maybe torrents can
> benefit us in 
> > legal ways?
> > At any rate, this is a new torrent on SuprNova:
> (URI Snipped)
> And that looks very much like a non-legal way.

I don't mean all of CPAN -- portions could benefit however.

At anyrate, the snipped URL was more of a tattle than a tell.  The post
will make it's way across thousands of desktops and be archived by a
couple of list bots.  The last time I tattled on a site which was
stealing Perl book content that site vanished -- will SuprNova vanish?

Will P2P finally saturate the Internet?

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