I have been studying W/R to files...
W/R to a string and to an array.
and I must say I think I have it.

I can read a file into an array IF i wrote the file using "\n" between vars, yes????

and I can read the entire file into a string (to later be split) by using delimiters 
like ","    yes???

I have some data files that hold lists (like cities) that I want in an array.
and some files that hold a collection of vars (name, city, color, cartype, etc) that I 
want to delimit and later read as a string ($Slurp) and then ($name, $city, $color, 
$cartype, $etc)=split (",",$Slurp)

my question is if I write a file using delimiters like ","  can I later read the 
entire file into a string and then
@Cities = split (",",$Slurp) ??????

but how do I read a file that used the "\n" and then split it later???
right now i wold have to
open file...
@Array=<read entire file into @Array>
close file

and then...


there must be a better way like ?????
$name, $city, $color, $cartype, $etc)[EMAIL PROTECTED];

of can I split using the special var $\ or \n as a delimiter????????

?????????? am I making the example clear?????????
or am i trying to do the impossible?

Comment WITH example correction welcome..
the above syntax may not be completely correct....
but it gives you the idea...so please dont crusify me for it...


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