On Sat, 18 Sep 2004, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> Can you recommend me some tricks to make it work a little faster?

In general, it does make sense to use CGI.pm rather than hand coding 
things, but if you need a speed boost then the best strategies are to 
[a] use a smaller subset of CGI.pm, [b] substitute a related but smaller 
module, or [c] use mod_perl. Roughly in that order of desperation.

> If I want to use the OOP style, is it possible to load only some 
> methods and not all?

Yes, of course. The obvious way to do this is to use something like

  use CGI qw[ :something ];

to just pull in the aspects of the module that you want.

Look up the docs for CGI to see which ones best match what you're doing.


Alternatively, try an alternate module like CGI::Fast or CGI::Lite:



That or look into using mod_perl, possibly with Apache::Registry, which 
will let you (more or less) keep using your CGI.pm scripts, but it 
should speed them up considerably.

> Why do I need to use multiple CGI objects in the same session? Can you give
> me an example?

You should only need one -- what makes you think you need more?

> If I won't find many reasons to keep using the OOP style, I think I will
> start using the functional one... (hoping that it will work faster).

I don't *think* there should be a whole lot of speed difference here, 
though of course the way to know that for sure is to benchmark them. 


Chris Devers

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