Howdy - I'm having some trouble deleting a cookie using CGI::Cookie. Here is the code I'm using to do this. Note this is in a module, so I have written wrappers for the CGI::Cookie Set/Get functionality. However, this is test code, so it's being accessed in it's own namespace. I know that this code writes cookies. But, I cannot seem to modify the properties of an existing cookie.
use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Cookie; my $name = 'Johnny'; my $cookie = GetCookie($name); if ($cookie) { # Set the 'expires' attribute to -1M $cookie = DeleteCookie($name); # If the cookie object is returned, print its new properties if ($cookie) { print $h_self{cgi}->header(-cookie=>$cookie); print qq[Just set the cookie to be deleted. These are the properties:<br />]; print "-name is ". $cookie->name ."<br />"; print "-value is ". $cookie->value ."<br />"; print "-expires is ". $cookie->expires ."<br />"; print "-path is ". $cookie->path ."<br />"; print "-domain is ". $cookie->domain ."<br />"; print "-secure is ". $cookie->secure ."<br />"; print qq[Close the browser and look in the cookies folder<br />]; } # If the cookie was not returned, there was a problem. else { print $h_self{cgi}->header; print qq[Something has gone completely wrong here!]; } } sub GetCookie { my ($name) = @_; my %h_cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie(); (exists $h_cookies{$name})?return $h_cookies{$name}:return 0; } sub DeleteCookie { my ($name) = @_; # Get the cookie my $cookie = GetCookie($name); # Set the expiration date to delete cookie $cookie = SetCookieProp($name,'expires','-1M'); ($cookie)?return $cookie:return 0; } sub SetCookieProp { my ($name, $prop, $value) = @_; # Get the cookie my $cookie = $hr_self->GetCookie($name); # Set the named property to the new value $cookie->$prop($value); ($cookie)?return $cookie:return 0; } Ron Goral Up On The Mountain Design Group Custom solutions for your database driven web site. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> <>