
I need to know what is the accepted way of handling the following.  I
have a MySQL database, and a host of CGI scripts which present forms to
the users as web pages, they fill them in and then the data is written
to the database.  I need to make this secure such that only users I want
can use the system.  I want to set up a username and password so that
users can log in once at the beginning of a session, carry out their
work filling in various forms and writing to the database, and then
log-out at the end.

What is the best way to do this?  I've thought about creating a MySQL
user/password for each person who needs to enter data, but I don't want
them to have to enter their username and password on every form.  I
guess what I need is some sort of persistant DBI connection that is
present over multiple runs of various CGI scripts (until the person logs
off or the browser is closed...)

I am running Suse Linux 8.2, MySQL 4, Apache 1.3.28 and perl 5.8.0


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