I had been previously using ActiveState 5.6/Windows 2003 server/Win32::ODBC/MSAccess2000 to develop a web site for my client.
I recently decided to upgrade to Perl 5.8 from cygwin. I checked out my web site (too) briefly and it seemed fine. Later I discovered a problem with my SQL Update statement. As part of my efforts to isolate the problem, I added a call to SQL Select statement to display what I just updated. In Cygwin 5.8, there are no errors: the UPDATE statement just fails. The SELECT statement does not return the same data that the UPDATE statement stores. However, when I regress to ActiveState 5.6, the UPDATE statement works correctly and the SELECT statement returns the same data. Is this a bug in the Win32::ODBC module for 5.8? I would like to use the latest version of Perl. Is it not a good idea to be using a current version? What is the peril of running an old version like 5.6? Is there anything I can do to correct this problem in Cygwin 5.8? It is very disappointing that I did not even get an error from the SQL function. The function just did nothing! Is this the appropriate mailinglist/forum to discussing things like Win32::ODBC modules? Is there a better forum? Thanks, Siegfried my ($uCaseData) = (qq|UPDATE CaseInfo SET |.... long SQL UPDATE statement...); if($Data->Sql($uCaseData)){ print "SQL failed (Line 896): $uCaseData. \n"; print "Error: " . $Data->Error() . "\n"; } # if else { print "SQL succeeded (Line 896): $uCaseData. \n<br/>"; if($Data->Sql("SELECT * FROM CaseInfo WHERE CaseNumber= $sCaseNumber")){ print "SELECT failed<br/>"; } else { while($Data->FetchRow()){ my %Data = $Data->DataHash(); my $ii = 0; print "<table><tr>"; print "<td>".$_.'=<td>'.($Data{$_}?" ":$Data {$_}).(++$ii % 5?"":"</tr><tr>" ) foreach sort keys %Data; print "</table>\n"; } } } -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://learn.perl.org/> <http://learn.perl.org/first-response>