> Hi
> I am very very new to perl. And after lots of work I did script a perl
> file to handle a online form (products order form). However, I am
> stuck at a point. I tried my best but could not get thru.
> The form is located at: http://www.kevincoffey.com/order.htm
> When I select a different shipping adrress, it DOESNOT work!

Please define "DOESNOT work". This is a common beginner mistake. It's
obvious to you what you expect to happen and what is actually happening, but
you've failed to communicate that to us, so we have to guess.

> I gave a RADIO button for :
> Shipping_Address: TRUE=SAME AS ABOVE (i.e. send to adove address)
> Shipping ADdress: FALSE = send to Floowing address

[ snip ]

> if ($query -> param ("Shipping_Preference") == "TRUE"){

Is it Shipping_Address or Shipping_Preference?

This is a numeric comparison, not a string comparison. A very common
beginner mistake, so don't feel bad. To test strings for equality use eq,
not ==

Enabling warnings would catch this. So get in the habit of enabling

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