I am having problems with an example from the on-line book Beginning Perl in Chapter 12 the text begins by saying the simple default installation of apache will suffice for Unix/Linux. While I can be sure that the server is running I am unable to connect using either FireFox or Mozilla using the server's IP address: Both say the connection is refused.
I have altered the httpd.conf to use my user name as the operator. I changed the default line: Users nobody to User <user name>.
I think that is probably is working, since I no longer see the warning message about the race condition due to running as root. However, I have noted when I was looking for my pid and showed all processes with ps -aH the last character is missing.
My questions are: could apache be troubled by the last character and/or is this even the proper place to indicate a valid client? Can and should I concoct a server name rather than this default opening ip address? (If so a suggestion how that is done, please!)
I experimented with another change in this configuration file to the default ip address my apache starts with to no avail. I could try that again if the User change is valid.
Could anyone tell me how I can get my local appache server (though it defaults to listening to port 8080) will connect so that I can begin to check the functionality of these beginning perl scripts?
TIA (assuming I have not breached the etiquette of this mail list)
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