Hi all,
I need some help. I have name/value parameters coming in from a web form that look something like this (blank lines added for clarity):
firstname=bill lastname=stephenson
q1=1 t1=y d1=something 1 p1=3.45
q2= t2=y d2=something 2 p2=1.90
q3= t3=y d3= p3=
q4=1 t4=y d4=something 3 p4=12
q5= t5=y d5= p5=
q6=3 t6=y d6=something 4 p6=1.22
id_number=10000259 action=none
I want to remove the groups of data that look like "q3-p3" and "q5-p5" (where "q","d", and "p" are all empty, "t" will always have data) then re-number the groups that contain data in in at least one of the "q","d", or "p" variables, then save them to a file that looks something like this:
firstname=bill lastname=stephenson
q1=1 t1=y d1=something 1 p1=3.45
q2= t2=y d2=something 2 p2=1.90
q3=1 t3=y d3=something 3 p3=12
q4=3 t4=y d4=something 4 p4=1.22
id_number=10000259 action=none
I'm having trouble with the logic that will accomplish this. It doesn't seem like it should be very hard to do, but I just can't seem to say it in "perl".
Below is a script that I've been playing with that does output what I want, but it's pretty clunky and probably not very efficient. There must be a better way.
Bill Stephenson
############# start code below ############# #!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Carp('fatalsToBrowser');
# Create a new CGI Object for the form input my $Q = new CGI;
# This represents how the app will receive data from the browser...
#print this $Q->param('firstname' ,"Bill"); $Q->param('lastname' , "Stephenson");
#print this $Q->param('q1' ,""); $Q->param('t1' , "Y"); $Q->param('d1' , "12"); $Q->param('p1' , "12");
#print this $Q->param('q2' , "13"); $Q->param('t2' , "Y"); $Q->param('d2' , ""); $Q->param('p2' , "13");
#print this $Q->param('q3' , "16"); $Q->param('t3' , "Y"); $Q->param('d3' , "16"); $Q->param('p3' , "");
#do NOT print this $Q->param('q4' , ""); $Q->param('t4' , "Y"); $Q->param('d4' , ""); $Q->param('p4' , "");
#print this $Q->param('q5' , "15"); $Q->param('t5' , "Y"); $Q->param('d5' , "15"); $Q->param('p5' , "15");
#do NOT print this $Q->param('q6' , ""); $Q->param('t6' , "Y"); $Q->param('d6' , ""); $Q->param('p6' , "");
#print this $Q->param('q7' , "22"); $Q->param('t7' , "Y"); $Q->param('d7' , ""); $Q->param('p7' , "22");
#do NOT print this $Q->param('q8' , ""); $Q->param('t8' , "Y"); $Q->param('d8' , ""); $Q->param('p8' , "");
#print this $Q->param('q9' , ""); $Q->param('t9' , "Y"); $Q->param('d9' , "1000"); $Q->param('p9' , "1000");
#do NOT print this $Q->param('q10' , ""); $Q->param('t10' , "Y"); $Q->param('d10' , ""); $Q->param('p10' , "");
#print this $Q->param('send_email' , "yes"); $Q->param('doc_number' , "55");
# This is what we want to print...
# q1= # t1=Y # d1=12 # p1=12 # q2=13 # t2=Y # d2= # p2=13 # q3=16 # t3=Y # d3=16 # p3= # q4=15 # t4=Y # d4=15 # p4=15 # q5=22 # t5=Y # d5= # p5=22 # q6= # t6=Y # d6=1000 # p6=1000 # firstname=Bill # lastname=Stephenson # send_email=yes # doc_number=55
####################################### # put all the invoice parameters names # into an array... ####################################### my @invoice_info = $Q->param;
# Declare some variables
my $line_counter="1"; my $row_counter="1"; my $total_rows="10";
# first we print the numbered rows that contain some data...
while ($line_counter < $total_rows) {
my $quantity=$Q->param("q$line_counter");
my $tax=$Q->param("t$line_counter");
my $description=$Q->param("d$line_counter");
my $unit_price=$Q->param("p$line_counter");
if ($quantity eq "" && $description eq "" && $unit_price eq "") {
# do nothing
else {
print "q$row_counter=$quantity\n"; print "t$row_counter=$tax\n"; print "d$row_counter=$description\n"; print "p$row_counter=$unit_price\n";
} # end while loop
# reset the line counter...
# Then we get all the other parameters that are not numbered rows of data.
foreach my $invoice_item (@invoice_info) { my $value = $Q->param($invoice_item); if ($invoice_item eq "q$line_counter") { next; } if ($invoice_item eq "t$line_counter") { next; } if ($invoice_item eq "d$line_counter") { next; } if ($invoice_item eq "p$line_counter") { next: # <- Notice this is not a semi-colon ";" # It is a colon ":". It will not work with a semi-colon ";". # I don't know why. } else { print "$invoice_item=$value\n"; next; } $line_counter++; } # end foreach loop ############# end code #############
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