On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 01:42:35PM -0400, Sean Davis wrote:
> >From where is the tagset <div></div> coming?  It isn't a problem here, of
> course, but if I try to use this with HTML::template, it is causing
> problems.  Any ideas?

Hi Sean,

That's a good question. I don't understand what problems you forsee with
HTML::Template since you are generating all of your html output rather
than using H::T to parse a template file. Perhaps if you could show the
complete example, we could be a further assistance.

Also, you might want to try asking it on the CGI-Application mailing
list as lots of folks there use HTML::Template (I'm not one of them so
don't know why a div would give it problems).

Since you're using CGI.pm to generate all of your html, you might want
to check the docs for it.


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