> >>>>> "Wiggins" == Wiggins D'Anconia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Wiggins> Agreed. I have requested this from him before, but didn't get
> I haven't responded because I've been using the net at 40 cents per
> minute from a satellite link on a ship this past week, and right now
> I'm using a 10 cents per minute cellphone modem.  When I get back to a
> free link, I'll post more.

That is a very good reason, actually I was referring to back in
December, apparently that was the beginners list not the beginners-cgi, see:


> But in short, MySQL was great when it was the only game in town.
> But PostgreSQL has leapfrogged MySQL now in every area including
> features, performance, *and* license.  There's no point in starting
> a new project with MySQL, *except* for legacy.

Ok, license is a good cause.  When you state features and performance,
are there specifics, etc?  I am wanting to believe you, and you state
ignorance as a reason, and that is probably the biggest, so enlighten me
so that I am compelled to switch.  


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