>>>>> "Luinrandir" == Luinrandir Hernsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Luinrandir> If you are new to perl.. avoid the O'Reilly books... there Luinrandir> are, IMHO, written by PhD's for PhD's This is clearly a minority opinion or a misstated fact. Thank goodness. :) I'm not a PhD, and I write for people as stated in the preface of each book. I can assure you that "You must have a PhD" has never been a pre-req of any book I've written. Luinrandir> something you need to know about perl that confused me for Luinrandir> a year... there is the long way of writing code and a Luinrandir> shorthand form..... for instance... I now squat about Luinrandir> CGI.pm.... so answers that reffer to CGI.pm are usless to Luinrandir> me. You are ensuring that your opinion means less and less with each statement. Thank you for that. Luinrandir> I am wrting a web site just for beginners like us....you Luinrandir> could help..... Please, never ever post the URL to your website. "Blind leading Blind" comes to mind. -- Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc. See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training! -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://learn.perl.org/> <http://learn.perl.org/first-response>