--- Werner Otto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> How to I include or call another cgi script from a current one.

> What does the syntax look like?

Don't do it that way; See  perldoc require

That is what I would recommend - otherwise you would need to have the
"called" cgi call your original script again -- OR, you can simply do
this (as an example only and not called as a cgi - there isn't any need
to do it that way) --

if (condition) {
  # Rebuild each Categories index.html file...
  system("/rt/apache2/cgi/CreateIndexes.pl AP > /HR/AP/index.html");

If you *must* try it as a cgi, then use the HTTP Location header like

print "Location

You have to exit the current CGI as there is no way to get back to it -
the WWW is stateless in this regard. That is why I strongly recommend
doing what you are attempting in one stroke.

(PS - What Jan suggested really is the best way IMHO.)

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