Almost everything works fine, but only the second cookie is stored, not the first one. If I ask for their values before using header, they have the correct values.
In the other hand, if you see, I am using a -location inside the header. I don't know if it is correct, or how to redirect to a page if using redirect with header gives me some problems (note commented line).
I will appreciate any clue (maybe a little mistake).
use CGI; use MIME::Base64;
$cgi_this = new CGI; $str_somedata = $cgi_this->param('password'); $value1 = encode_base64("some stuff : $str_somedata"); $value2 = encode_base64("more data"); $returnpage = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
$cook_admin = $cgi_this->cookie(-name=>'admin', -value=>$value1); $cook_session = $cgi_this->cookie(-name=>'session', -value=>$value2);
# print $cgi_this->redirect(-uri=>$returnpage);
# print $cgi_this->header(-cookie =>[$cook_admin,$cook_session]);
print $cgi_this->header(-cookie =>[$cook_admin,$cook_session], -location=>$returnpage);
J. Alejandro Ceballos Z. | ---------------------------+--------------------------- | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | "El pasado siempre termina -------------------------------+ por darnos alcance, Tel: (33) 3647-7809 | por mucho que corramos." Cel: (33) 1076-4705 | | -- El enigma de Cambises, Paul S.
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