Jan Eden wrote on 01.05.2004:

>Hi all,
>I wrote a little form mail script and start by setting the
>environment variables like this:
>$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/sbin"; delete @ENV{ qw( IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)
>Now the actual directory (.) is obviously not searched anymore,
>my $page_head = eval do('page_head.pl');
>returns an empty $page_head while
>my $page_head = eval do('./page_head.pl');
>fills it with the appropriate content.
>Commenting the BEGIN block above and printing $ENV{PATH} gives me:
>I cannot see the current working directory in that list (but I admit
>that I am not used to environment variables at all).
>Can someone tell me how to restrict $ENV{PATH} but keep the script's
>ability to see something in its own directory?

Please let me add that I did try to set $ENV{PATH} = ".:/usr/sbin".

That did not work either.

- Jan
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