> Hi all,
> I am using CGI to set a cookie:
> # create cookie:
> $packed_cookie = $query->cookie(-NAME => "cookieName",
>                                 -VALUE => "cookieValue",
>                                 -EXPIRES => "+10m" );
> # set cookie:                   
> print $query->header (-COOKIE => $packed_cookie);
> Now I am experiencin a problem that looks like the cookie is not
> being set, but only on specific machines on specific browsers.
> What are the factors that could prevent a cookie from being set?

A cookie is simply a standardized header returned before content. I saw
your post on the other list, and the browsers you mention may have not
implemented the standards properly. I would suggest using telnet or an
application that can read raw headers (there is an excellent plugin for
mozilla that does this, but I can't remember its name off the top of my
head, I posted it in a message to this list a while ago), to check what
headers are being printed and to guarantee they look correct.  Then
check the browsers where they don't work, and check for known issues
with those browsers and cookie handling.  Checking the actual header
will show you exactly how the cookie is attempting to be set and should
reveal if you are doing something wrong, or possibly something the older
browser doesn't understand.  Of course if this really is a browser issue
I would suggest you not waste time on it, people need to be using a new
browser preferably one that implements standards corretly, but then I no
longer work professionally as a web developer and now have the luxury of
this attitude ;-)...


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