Reynard Hilman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I have a perl script that runs just fine from command
: line but not when I run it as cgi. I think it's because
: there are some env variables that doesn't exist when I
: run it as cgi. Is there a way to set the variables from
: the perl script?
: I tried $ENV{'VAR'} = 'value';

    That usually works.

: but it doesn't make a difference.

    Perhaps it's not an environment variable problem.

: btw, I'm using Apache as the webserver. Should I set
: the env variables from Apache config instead?

    That will set the variable across the entire server
and is one recommended way. What happened when you tried

: any suggestion?

    Show us your code. Let us confirm your reasoning.


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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