Try this:

On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 12:51:28PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> below I have a snippet from a trace file read out for a section of code below. The 
> problem seems to be with '$sth->bind_param (2,$rh_row->{prop_str_addr});' The first 
> Bind works fine however the next one in the line listed produces a null entry per 
> the trace file. I have verified that the data is correct in 
> '$rh_row->{prop_str_addr}' and that it is quoted but for some reason myql isn't 
> recieving the data any help would be appreciated.
> <- dbd_st_execute 0 rows
>     <- execute= '0E0' at line 128
>     -> bind_param for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x8104f14)~0x8104e3c 1 
> ''310-673-5515'')
>     <- bind_param= 1 at line 122
>     -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x8104f14)~0x8104e3c)
>     -> dbd_st_execute for 08104e48
>       Binding parameters: UPDATE own_info
>                                        SET own_phone_home = '\'310-673-5515\''
>                                        WHERE own_str_addr = NULL
> ###############################CODE SNIPPETTE########################
> $dbh = connect_try("******","******");
>     foreach $k (keys (%{$ar_info->[1]})){ # retrieves a generic set of fields and 
> uses them to assign values for each row.
>         if ($table eq "prop_info"){ # checks which table is being used and assigns 
> the correct SQL statement
>                 $sth = $dbh->prepare ("UPDATE prop_info
>                                        SET $k = ?
>                                        WHERE prop_str_addr = ?") or
>                                        err_trap("failed to prepare statement\n");
>             }elsif ($table eq "own_info"){
>                 $sth = $dbh->prepare ("UPDATE own_info
>                                        SET $k = ?
>                                        WHERE own_str_addr = ?") or
>                                        err_trap("failed to prepare statement\n");
>             }
>         $sth->trace(2, "./trace_data.txt");
>         foreach $rh_row (@$ar_info) { # iterates through the list of rows and 
> assigns the correct value to the field
>             print "::$k=>$rh_row->{$k}"; # this is an internal check to verify what 
> values are being inserted
>             $sth->bind_param (1,$rh_row->{$k});

                          if($table eq 'prop_info') {

>             if ($table eq "prop_str_addr") {
>                 $sth->bind_param (2,$rh_row->{prop_str_addr});
>             }elsif  ($table eq "own_str_addr") {
>                 $sth->bind_param (2,$rh_row->{own_str_addr});
>             }
>             $sth->execute() or
>                 err_trap("failed to execute statement\n");
>             }
>         print "\n===========================\n";
>     }
>     $sth->finish();
>     $dbh->disconnect or
>         err_trap("failed to disconnect statement\n");
> -- 
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Brad Lhotsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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