On Apr 20, 2004, at 8:05 PM, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote: [..]
To anyone out there doing hiring, please think about
what questions you are and aren't capable of asking.....

first off props to Shaun for a worthwhile set of distinctions
between CGI as the "common gateway interface" - irregardless
of the coding language - and CGI.pm...

Secondly to Wiggin's well run rant!
Good Answers!

I can empathise with him at more levels
than I like to think about. But also think
about the problems of the poor 'tech guy'
who has been tasked with doing the interviewing,
and then has to deal with

        a. upgrading the HR staff to be
                a1. Perl Aware
                a2. Web Technology Aware
                a3. PreScreening enabled, based upon a1, a2
                        and what Upper Manglement ${Really_Wants}

        b. formalizing their questions in compliance
                with the laws of the country in which
                they will be doing the hiring interview

        c. Clarifying with Upper Manglement
                c1. what they are willing to put on the table
                c2. what they really want
                        - insert pointy hair mangleMent joke here
                c3. when is the interview over and folks
                        are just playing around, but having fun
                        in a technical manner
                c4. that technical play is not merely horsing around

        d. Sorting out the 'cut out moments' - how does one
                'know that the interview is over' and not worth
                going forward - and exiting it gracefully for all
                concerned in a positive and constructive manner.

The challenge is on both sides of the interviewing table.
And I think it is useful from time to time to take a
quick review of "Perl Coding as Profession" and
specifically it's applicability to 'web technologies'.

That helps folks work out which side of the interviewing
table they prefer to work on, and what they should be
thinking about and dealing with.



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