I'm using these statements in my main program:

use DisplayPCE qw($order $fnx );

print join("", map { qq[<td>$_</td>] }

When I use the debugger, I find that order is
undefined! When I use the browser to view the page,
the value of undef is confirmed.

When I abandon packages and put the definition of
order in the main program, it works!

Can anyone help me understand why my package is not

Here is the contents DisplayPCE.pm:

package DisplayPCE;
our  @EXPORT = qw($order );
my $order = ["First Name", "Last Name", "E-Mail",
"User Name", "Address", "City", "State", "Zip Code",
"Country", "Phone",  "Org.", "Gender", "Ethnicity",
"Age", "Religious Affiliation" ];


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