> I've created a subrutine to acces DB, but while sending the Query it get an
> error.
> My function looks like:
> sub DbSqlQuery
>    {
>    local $str_query = @_ if @_;

(Why are you using local? 'local' is deprecated in favor of 'my'.)

$str_query is a scalar, @_ is an array. Putting a scalar on the left of an
assignment forces the assignment to be scalar context--and in scalar context
the array returns the number of elements (1 in this case).
Try something more like:
my $str_query = $_[0];
-- or --
my $str_query = shift @_; # grabs first element of @_ array

>    print $str_query;
>    <... blah, blah ..>
>    }
> And my program call it like:
> <... blah, blah ..>
> $str_Query = "SELECT admin_ID, admin_name FROM admins WHERE (admin_login =
> '$str_Login');
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n TEST: $str_Query :: \n";
> &DbSqlQuery($str_Query);
> <... blah, blah ..>
> When I run, I get the following output:
> SELECT admin_ID, admin_name FROM admins WHERE (admin_login = 'my value') :: 1
>   ERROR: 1
>       1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax near '1 ' at line 1)
> Where it comes the '1'?
> I must use pointers or similar?
> --
> saludos,
>       J. Alejandro Ceballos Z.   |
>       ---------------------------+---------------------------
>   http://alejandro.ceballos.info |
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  "Las batallas contra las mujeres
>   -------------------------------+  son las únicas que se ganan huyendo".
>                                  |
>                                  |          -- Napoleon Bonaparte.
> --
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