Good Afternoon All
        I'm overhauling the website I run for a men's rec
slopitch league.  It's all and mySQL.  I'm adding
a section to reschedule rain-out games.  I want the users
to pick the new date from a 'calendar'.
I think this will be a more natural interface than drop-down
menus.  The calendar would be a form that passes the date chosen
along as a hidden param to the next invocation of the script.
        I started to twiddle with ideas how to do this last
night, but it now occurs to me I'm likely reinventing the
wheel here - surely others have done this many times.  A
quick Google search buried me with irrelevant answers.
Can someone point me towards an example/module/document/starting
        I would prefer to not have to install extra modules
(political reasons), and simpler is better than flexible for this.
Any input appreciated

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