On Mar 22, 2004, at 5:53 PM, B. Fongo wrote:

I'm working on a shopping cart, and yet to implement Apache::Session.
But before then, I have a question on how to populate a shopping cart
without the page reloading. Is there a way of achieving this using perl?

Let me see if I get you correct here, the concern is that you want to have an

add to shopping cart

that will not send a message back to the web-server as
a 'form' event? yes?

I believe it is possible to use JavaScript event-handler can be to keep
track of items added into the cart, and later passed to perl to do the
necessary entry into the database.

If all of the items that can be placed in the cart are on one page, then you seem to have your solution here. The trick becomes if one has to create a "shopping cart" that will persist over several web page presentations.



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