OK I'm trying to modify the code below to recognize an additional next if statement.  
I have
included a snip of the file that the code uses an input.


next if /Acct-Session-Id = "00000000"/;    This statment works!

# I added this statement.  I don't understand the /'s in the statement.  And my guess 
is that
I need to modify the statement to properly work with an IP over a number or string.

next if /NAS-IP-Address = ""/;  This statement does not work.

next if /User-Name = "$userskp"/;          This statement works!

Can anyone tell me why my simple addition will not work as I think it should.

Greg :-)

<Code Snipit>
require 'usrmon.cf';

if (-M "$file" < .04) {

  $date= (localtime)[3];

  dbmopen(%hash, "$dbfile", 0600);

  open (FILE, "$file") || die;
  open (FILEBK, ">>$filebk") || die;
  while (<FILE>) {
    $/ = '';
    next if /Acct-Session-Id = "00000000"/;
    next if /NAS-IP-Address = ""/;
    next if /User-Name = "$userskp"/;
    print FILEBK;

    if (/Acct-Status-Type = Stop/ || /Acct-Status-Type = Start/) {
      if (/User-Name = "([^"]+)"/){
        $key= $1;
      if (/Acct-Status-Type = Stop/) {
        if (/Acct-Session-Time = (\d+)/) {
          $used{$key}+= $1;
  open (FILE, ">$file");
  print FILE "\n";

<RADIUS Log Snip>
...     Ascend-PreSession-Time = 27
        CVX-Modem-Begin-Modulation = "V.90"
        CVX-Modem-Error-Correction = "V.42"
        CVX-Modem-Data-Compression = "V.42bis"
        Timestamp = 1075939364
        Timestamp = 1075939362

Wed Feb  4 16:03:11 2004
        Acct-Status-Type = Start
        User-Name = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        Acct-Session-Id = "0000062A"
        Framed-IP-Address =
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Timestamp = 1075939456
        Acct-Delay-Time = 0
        Timestamp = 1075939391

Wed Feb  4 16:04:00 2004
        Acct-Status-Type = Stop
        User-Name = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        Acct-Session-Id = "0000062A"
        Acct-Session-Time = 49
        Framed-IP-Address =
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Timestamp = 1075939505
        Acct-Delay-Time = 0
        Timestamp = 1075939440

Wed Feb  4 16:04:21 2004
        Acct-Status-Type = Start
        NAS-Identifier = "cvx00.domain.com"
<End RADIUS Log Snipit>

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