zsdc wrote:

Camilo Gonzalez wrote:

zsdc wrote:

Tracy Hurley wrote:


I don't think you need to put $email in quotes to do the check, but it works if you do. Try this:

if $email =~/@.*@/g || $email =~ /\n/s;

It still might not be secure depanding on how $email is being used later. Is it used in a system() call? In open()? In backticks? What about the whitespace? What if there is "\r" in $email? What about ";"? "\0"?

I would suggest to match safe characters, not the unsafe ones, because it's easy to overlook something. Camilo, it's very good that you use the taint mode here. Check out CGI::Untaint::email, this is exactly what you need:


It's used like this:

use CGI::Untaint;
my $untaint = CGI::Untaint->new($cgiobj->Vars);
my $email = $untaint->extract(-as_email => 'email');

You should do the same with other parameters, like name and address. You might need to write your own handler, but it's very easy. Here's an example from the CGI::Untaint documentation, to match a single digit:

package Mysite::CGI::Untaint::digit;
use base 'CGI::Untaint::object';
sub _untaint_re { qr/^(\d)$/ }

Seems like a tad bit of overkill for my purpose. Thanks for the caveat about other unsafe characters and I'll keep the CGI::Untaint module in mind in the future.

It seems I needed to escape the backslash in '\n'. Here'smy new code

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use CGI;
my $cgiobj = new CGI;
$ENV{PATH} = "";

#Get parameters
my $name = $cgiobj->param('name');
my $address = $cgiobj->param('address');
my $email = $cgiobj->param('email');
die &Print_Error if $email =~ /@.*@|\\n|;|\0|,/gs;

My advise about unsafe characters was to match _safe_ characters instead of unsafe ones, i.e.:

die unless $email =~ /$ safe pattern ^/;

and never:

die if $email =~ /$ unsafe pattern ^/;

I haven't even showed every potentially dangerous character, those were only few examples. To be honest I can't understand why this is an overkill:

use CGI::Untaint;
my $untaint = CGI::Untaint->new($cgiobj->Vars);
my $email = $untaint->extract(-as_email => 'email');

while this isn't:

my $email = $cgiobj->param('email');
die &Print_Error if $email =~ /@.*@|\\n|;|\0|,/gs;

especially when your regular expression has to be much longer, because it still is unsafe. (By the way, it doesn't match a newline, only a backslash followed by "n").

How do you use the $mail variable later in your program? How do you actually send the email? I'll tell you how it can be dangerous, but only when I know how it is used.

My concern is to prevent a spammer from sending BCC messages using the email field of my contact form. I figure if I can prevent him from sending a line with more than one asterisk and/or a slash followed by an n, I can prevent him from sending BCC messages. I realise there are lots more dangerous characters out there but frankly, I'm too damn lazy to look for them. I truly do appreciate your help and I apoligize if you've taken umbrage with anything I've said, but TMTOWTDO, man. Chill. More of my code follows if you've got the time and inclination to rip it further.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
#use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use CGI;
my $cgiobj = new CGI;
$ENV{PATH} = "";

#Get parameters
my $name = $cgiobj->param('name');
my $address = $cgiobj->param('address');
my $email = $cgiobj->param('email');
die &Print_Error if $email =~ /@.*@|\\n|;|\0|,/gs;
my $comments = $cgiobj->param('comments');

#send emails to Camilo and sender
my $from ='Opensourceman';
my $subject = 'Contact Confirmation from Opensourceman';
my $reply = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $sendmail = '/usr/lib/sendmail -i -t';
open (SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or die "Cannot open sendmail: $!";
print SENDMAIL "To: $email, $reply\n";
print SENDMAIL "From: $from\n";
print SENDMAIL "Reply-to: $reply\n";
print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject";
print SENDMAIL "\n\n";
print SENDMAIL "Thanks for contacting Opensourceman. Below is what you submitted to us:\n
Name: $name\n
Address: $address\n
Email: $email\n
Comments: $comments \n\n We will be contacting you shortly";

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