On Feb 14, 2004, at 12:18 AM, Mallik wrote: [..]
[..]In Apache, the /usr/local/fsuser/sbin directory is mapped to the virtual directory
From browser, I am able to access all the .cgi and .pl filespresent in the /usr/local/fsuser/sbin and its subdirectories.
But I am not able to access the html files present in this directory. When I am giving the following URL it is giving the Premature end of script error.
Whereas, I am able to access the same html with the following URL.
first off best to post it to one or the other groups, I have sent this reply back to the cgi list.
I think you are confusing the 'logical' address of a file - eg
with the actual file system path to the file.
Then adding the confusion between the idea of separating the cgi code from the actual html files - which is hte point of having a cgi-bin directory.
The idea of the cgi_bin is that it is where one will put executables - and a flat html file does not need to be executed, it is merely dished up as a stream of bits back to the browser.
So you might want to go back and review what exactly you are trying to do in the process.
Do you really like having a declared cgi-bin directory?
ciao drieux
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