zentara wrote:

>On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 17:45:17 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Eden)
>>Hi all,
>>I just wrote a CGI script using the Storable module, which works
>>fine on my machine. The script retrieves a complex hash and either
>>prints it out or updates it and stores it back.
>>But my ISP does not have Storable installed.
>>Is there a way to install Storable in my home dir on the server? Is
>>it a pure Perl module in this respect?
>Storable is not pure Perl, but you have "a chance" of being able to
>install it in your home dir. You beed to find what platform your
>remote server runs, and see if you can get a pre-built binary rpm
>package for it , then ssh in and try to install it in your home dir.

This is another disadvantage: The ISP won't let me ssh to the server. I just get FTP 

>If you are lucky, and you are running the same OS as your remote
>server, you could compile it on your home machine, and install it on
>the remote machine.
They run Linux, while my system is on Mac OS X. So even if I could ssh... but I 
rewrote the script to use Data::Dumper instead: slower, less elegant, larger files, 
but it works reasonably fast.

>It would be tricky, but it could be done. The other alternative, is
>tell your ISP that you will switch if they don't install it. My
>"discount priced" remote server uses Cpanel and has Storable
>installed. It's probably cheaper than yours.
I will check this out. My ISP is really cheap, though, but more and more it looks like 
being too cheap. ;)


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