smrtalec wrote:

>>Now the tricky thing: As long as there was an error in my script, it
>displayed in >my browser (thanks to CGI::Carp). But as soon as I
>eliminated the obvious errors, I >get an Internal Server Error
>(testing on my ISP's linux web server and on my local >OS X box, both
>running Apache).
>>Can anybody see my mistake here?
>unfortunately your isp isn't giving you access to your error_log
>files.  If I were to guess your getting a malformed header error.  I
>dont recall seeing any header calls you my wish to use the lines
>below in your template file or maybe in your code depending on how
>you call fo your html to be generated.

Thanks, that was one of the problems. I planned to print out a message at a later 
development stage, but it turned out that giving no header at all is an error by 

- Jan
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