zentara wrote:

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 06:36:03 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shawn Sharp)

I am trying to create a stand alone (static) program in Perl (no shared
libraries). I have tried perlcc -L /lib perl.pl but am not have any
luck. This will create an executable but you still need the shared
libraries. I have also typing in the path of each library (ie perlcc -L
/lib/libperl.so -L /lib/libns1.so.1 perl.pl) This complied the perl
program the same.

Any Ideas.

Yeah, this is the wrong group to ask this. Try perl.beginners, perlmonks.org, or comp.lang.perl.misc

even though you say it is the wrong group, I would like to know this answer also.

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