Hi everyone,

I am looking for a way to encrypt & decrypt an email addy to prevent spam while 
posting a message to discussion board.

I tried to split email address;

($id,$host) = split(/\@/, "$email");

so, split it into $id and $host and later retrieve it by joining both.

But still its visible, and visitors can guess it seeing the source code or while it 
posted to script.


Writing it to a pipe delimited text or db file with time of posting and email and 
later retriving it by passing the
$time to script and matching corresponding email is the second option.


Don't want to use this option, because the db file can get quite big, since its a high 
traffic site and one message is posted
approx every minute.

What I am looking for a way to compelety change the email addy layout by replacing it 
with unguessable alphabets and numbers or either of those and vice versa. eg.

$email = [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

using some search and replace/translate function ?

$email = "blah..3b92a98ualwetwe334...blah";

and then translating it back to email when needed.

Thanks for any input.


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