I would like to chime in on the side of sending the search results directly to the poster. In most cases, the poster is at the mercy of the search engine they choose. Whereas, you have the advantage of knowing where to search. Please do not abandon this work. A digest -- to which, one may subscribe -- of this activity may also prove useful in the long run to the lurkers like myself.
Thanks for the cool and interesting approach to getting an answer out to the questioner.
It was Wednesday, December 03, 2003 when Casey West took the soap box, saying:
: I'm beta-testing a robot that searches Google when new questions are
: posed to the beginners' lists. I have no idea if it will be useful.
: :-)
: : I'm going to watch it closely and hope it is. I'll remove it if I
: find that it does a bad job.
Thank you for your timely and useful responses, they're under consideration. Until a decision has been reached (and re-coded), the bot will be temporarily suspended.
Casey West
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