> $text = qq|
> This is text and it contains a couple of e-mail addresses,
> like [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] what If I want to search
> for these [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc etc addresses in the text
> and perform search and replace function on those.
> |;
> Any idea as how to extract all the E-mails from the text
> above and performing s/@/#/; on all addresses at the same
> time? Just want to extract email addys and want to replace
> @ with something un-readable by spam bots.

Hmm... just thinking on the fly...

You could very simply match the email address, like so:
$text =~ m/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/g;

Label the matches to make replacement of the @s more targeted:
$text =~ m/([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)\@([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+\.[A-Za-z]+)/g;

So if an email address was say [EMAIL PROTECTED], the (brackets) would put
'keith' into $1 and 'szlamp.com' into $2.

Then we'd simply find these matches again and replace the @ with #, this way
it won't replace all @ symbols just those in the email address you've found,
as @s may be used elsewhere in the plaintext.

$text =~ tr|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|$1\#$2|;

Then you want to do this on all the email addresses in the text, so
compiling all the features you'd end up with something like this:

while ( $text =~ m/([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)\@([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+\.[A-Za-z]+)/g ) {
        $text =~ tr|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|$1\#$2|;

So that should do it, I think, haven't debugged, but can't see any glaring
errors, good luck, mail me if you need any more help.

[keith szlamp.com]#

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