parvez mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Andrew Gaffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: : I want to write a CGI in perl that when called, grabs a
: : number from a MySQL db or a file, increments it, writes
: : the number back out, and then returns a GIF with that
: : number. I want to have 10 separate GIFs, each one
: : containing an image (that I have created to match the
: : site design) of a number, 0-9. I need to be able to piece
: : together any number of these GIFs from left to right into
: : one large (relatively) GIF. I know how to do everything
: : but actually create the GIF. Can anyone point me in the
: : right direction?: 
: Plaese use

    That's probably a quick solution, but not necessarily a
good idea. Below is header for While the script
is widely used, it is eight years old and has not been
updated in more than seven years. It teaches new perl
programmers (the focus of this list) some very poor habits.
I would not recommend it for a beginner perl programmer.

# Counter                       Version 1.1.1                  
# Copyright 1996 Matt Wright    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
# Created 10/27/95              Last Modified 4/25/96          
# Scripts Archive at:   


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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