> Hi, 
> I am trying to do this:
>       for( $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
>       $qty[$i] = $q->param('qty$i');
>       }
> I could say $q->qty0;
>             $q->qty1;
>               |
>               |
>               |
>             $q->qty4;
> and be done with it. That works. But I would rather do it from the loop.
> Why is my variable $i not being appended to qty form variable being
> Any ideas?

You are using single quotes in your hash key, which prevent variable
interpolation. Switch them to double quotes and it should work.

foreach my $i (0 .. 5) {
   $qty[$i] = $q->param("qty$i");


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