Hi,<snip form>
I have the following form that I use as survey I that I'm building for my web site.
Now here is the CGI script I've written so far.
#!/usr/bin/perl # use Mail::Internet;
use strict; # always use warnings; # usually, at least during development
# Collect parameters using CGI my $customer = param("Customer"); my $learn = param("Learn"); my $opinion = param("Site Opinion"); my $improvements = param("Site Iimprovement"); my $comments = param("comments");
In the above section you are using a function of the CGI module 'param' but you have not loaded the CGI module, you need another use statement:
use CGI;
You may also want to get all the params at once into a hash, but I leave that to you, have a look at the docs for the CGI module:
perldoc CGI
my $head = Mail::Header->new;
What does this do on failure? you haven't checked return codes...
$head->add(From => 'Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'); $head->add(To => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'); $head->add(Subject => 'hello there');
my $body = <<END; This is just a simple e-mail message. Nothing to get excited about.
Customer Type: $customer How they learn of us: $learn Their Opinions: $opinion Their improvemetns: $improvements Their comments: $comments END
$mail = Mail::Internet->new(Header => $head, Body => [$body], Modify => 1); print $mail->send('sendmail');
You have not printed a header back to the browser, usually something like: Content-type:text/html\n\n, though again see the docs for the CGI module for easy ways to do this.
end of cgi script.
What I'm concern with is the execution of this script. I don't seem to be doing something right. Can someone correct on what it that missing.
Usually the best way to find out problems with a CGI script is to check the server's error log, or use a 'fatalstobrowser' type of deal, see the CGI docs for this also...
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