Hi, I can't seemed use different colors for each bar. Instead of different colors according to @datacolor, only blue is printed for all the bars. Can you tell me what's wrong with this code? And, wanting to delete a file that contains the following graph (to avoid accumulation), what can I use? unlink doesn't seem to do anything. (@A, @B, and @datacolors have same number; @A contain letters.) TIA Angela ******calculation codes my @datacolors = qw( blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue green cyan blue); my @data = ([EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]); my $graph = GD::Graph::hbars->new(950, 800); $graph->set( x_label => 'A', y_label => 'B', title => 'A for B', dclrs => [ @datacolors ] ); my $format = $graph->export_format; open(IMG, ">../html/tmp/temp.png"); binmode IMG; my $gd = $graph->plot([EMAIL PROTECTED]); print IMG $gd->png; close IMG; print '<img src="../tmp/temp.png">'; print "</BODY></HTML>"; #unlink "../tmp/temp.png";
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