
Thank you.

I tried with

   <!--#exec cmd='perl /absolute/path/to/' -->

And it worked

Answering some things. I'm hosting on a Cobalt server in Linux.

I got no differences using or not the spacebefore "-->". Anyway It's now in
the script.

As I said, the only way I was getting the SSI to work was having ''
inside the 'cgi-bin' and inside the new 'cgi-bin' in the subdomain. Weird
isn't it??.

If I erased '' there was a 'Permission denied'
If I erased '' there was a
'path/to/ not found' message

If I used the absolute path to any of both files there was a message: 'an
error ocurred while processing this directive'

On the other hand, my only compliant with Shaun method is that, being as a
command line request I get the 'Content-type: text/html' hedaer in the
output, and this makes (at least now) not possible for me to use the same
scripts for the subdomain SSI than for direct access links.

I'll have to rewrite special scripts for SSI calling from sibdomain,
removing the headers. But that's better than keep getting errors.

Any comments?

> I get an error message, saying something like:
>    'Can't locate file path-to/'
> I have tried both ways:
>     <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/"-->
>     <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/"-->
> and haven't worked. I'm using '/' before cgi-bin to send the command to
> root, but still get the same message

I apologise in advance if I misunderstand your question, but here's my
try fwiw.

#1. what platform/httpd? .. (I'll assume Unix/Apache) .. Have you tried
emailing the Apache httpd mailing list?

#2. My experience with doing this is fairly extensive, since I do this alot,
albeit on my own OpenBSD web-server right under my desk (thus I am the

Here's my take on it. SSI are relative to the server path, not the http
so anything starting with a / is pointing to the root filesystem on the
(or chroot environment). My usual MO with this is to not worry about
bits and whatnot. Instead I use an SSI such as follows...

 <!--#exec cmd='perl ./relative/path/to/' -->


 <!--#exec cmd='perl /absolute/path/to/' -->

which in your case would probably be...

 <!--#exec cmd='perl ./cgi-bin/' -->

*notice the space before the closing --> !!

Anyway, this has always worked like a charm for me, and since this way I
have to set the executable bits on my script, it avoids some common security
issues aswell. Though do keep in mind that the .pl is still recieving the
GET method QUERY_STRING from the .shtml. Of course it would depend on the
setup provided by your hosting service. I am my ISP, so <shrug> I have free
rein within the limits of good sense.

Btw, doing it this way you can even pass variables to the script as

 <!--#exec cmd='perl var1 var2 var3 ...' -->

 Shaun Fryer
 ph: 905-529-0591

Science is like sex: occasionally something useful
comes out of it, but that's not why we do it.
-: Richard Feynmann

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shaun Fryer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ramon Chavez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: SSI in subdomains

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