Awhile back I downloaded a script that was "protected" before purchase. When I opened it to look at the code the script was in binary format, not perl's pre-interpreted language, so I think they must have captured it at compile time. Can anyone tell me how this is done? It seemed a neat way to protect one's code.
It is actually a very bad idea. You cannot "protect" (whatever that means) any code you have given to someone. No matter if you don't want other people to run, modify, or copy your program, it's a poor and impossible technical solution to a social problem. Protect your code with copyright notice and a license.
Of course you can write your programs in Lingua::Romana::Perligata, exploit Filter::Util::Call, code à la IOCCC or otherwise try to make your code more annoying and harder to handle and maintain, but don't be surprised if no one ever wants to use it. I, for one, most certainly wouldn't.
Also, is there a way to "cross" compile perl into other languages, like, for instance, if you wanted to get your Perl code translated from Perl into C? I've heard that is possible, but I've never seen it actually done.
man perlcc:
"perlcc creates standalone executables from Perl programs, using the code generators provided by the B module. At present, you may either create executable Perl bytecode, using the "-B" option, or generate and compile C files using the standard and 'optimised' C backends.
"The code generated in this way is not guaranteed to work. The whole codegen suite ("perlcc" included) should be con sidered very experimental. Use for production purposes is strongly discouraged."
-- ZSDC Perl Consulting
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