Sara wrote:
> open (DB, "+<test.db");
> truncate (DB, 1024);
> close DB;
> 1. This truncate the file from bottom .......... Is there a way the
> file can truncated from the top?

No. You have to rewrite the file contents to delete from the beginning of
the file.

> 2. I have DB with 4-8 digits number in each line e.g.
> 1238483
> 92933
> 09983433
> 093
> The truncate function truncates the file very abruptly .... for
> example the last line 093 after truncate will be left 0 .

Well, you have to truncate in the right place :-)

> Is there a way that it should remove the last full line \n? rather
> leaving 1 or 2 digits behind.

truncate() is a pretty low-level tool. It doesn't deal with lines and such;
just byte offsets.

You can investigate the Tie::File module which can deal with both of the
issue you raise.

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