On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 17:05:57 -0500, Peter Fleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a cgi that creates a form and then receives the output of the 
> form and sends it to a mysql database. It also displays the form 
> information as a preview of what is getting sent to the database.
> You can return to the original form with data if you need to correct 
> something via an 'Edit' button. This button also makes sure that 
> nothing gets stored in the database (by deleting the data that was 
> just sent and I know there must be a better way to do that part but 
> it's not my current question).
> If the visitor uses the browser 'Back' button to return to the form, 
> their data will be there but the record won't get deleted from the 
> database.
> How do I erase all the data from the form if the visitor chooses to 
> use the Back button? I tried the CGI.pm method mentioned in 
> O'Reilly's CGI Programming:
> print $dataIn->header( -type => "text/html", -expires => "now");
> but that doesn't do it.
> I'm wondering if javascript is the answer?

I think the difficulty you are experiencing in your implementation is a direct result 
and indicator of a design that needs to be re-examined.  You are running into the 
standard problem with a protocol that is stateless (aka HTTP). Rather than switching 
to use Javascript to handle the "abnormal" use of the browser's back button, you would 
be better off assuming that 50% of the time that is how a person is going to navigate 
and do something like store the values as hidden fields in a form on the preview page, 
then when they use the back button make some edits and resubmit, your script need only 
re-display the preview page, which makes the implementation easier. Then the data is 
*only* stored to the DB once the final version is submitted from the preview page. To 
implement your "edit" feature you need only return them to the original form and 
pre-fill the fields based on the values submitted in your preview form (which is also 
your "Edit" form).

Sorry if this is confusing, I would re-examine why and when you store data to the DB 
in your design rather than the implementation details.


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