On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 04:21 PM, Kristofer Hoch wrote:

Here you assign element[0] of @_ to $selectName.  Then you assign all
remaining elements (indexes 1 through infinity) to @selectValues.
@selectValues slurps up all remaining elements of @_ leaving poor
little $selection to starve to death.   Try this...

sub processSelect{
my ($selectName, $selection, @selectValues) = @_;
You will have to modify all the callers of processSelect accordingly

Ah, wonderful! That works great! Thanks. Modifying the all the callers of processSelect is no biggie - I hadn't gotten the subroutine to work yet, so there's currently only one. And, as it will be deployed, most of the time it will be called from within a while loop.

Not that it's an issue with my current project, but how would one call a subroutine if he needed to pass multiple arrays? Convert them to scalars first? Naw, that'd be a PITA.

Anyway, thanks for the solution!

Chad A Gard

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