On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 at 17:15, Scot Robnett opined: SR:Is anyone aware of a good module for scheduling an event that is not a SR:command line event? I may just be able to use cron for this but I'm checking SR:if there is another solution. I want to schedule an e-mail to be sent to a SR:list of about 1,000 subscribers at a future time. I'll have the SR:administrator entering a date and time in a web form and will pull the time SR:request out of the params. Also using the MIME::Lite module (there's a ~200K SR:attachment going with it) rather than just piping to sendmail -t. Just SR:wondered if anybody had done something similar and what has worked well for SR:you.
you could store the future date/time on disk and use a perl script via cron to compare current to stored and send out via MIME::Lite (like every hour or something). are the email addresses stored in a db? any reason you can't use majordomo or ezmlm or something similar? -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]