On 5/30/03 at 2:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Lomas) wrote:

> Hi All,
> I hope someone here could help me ... I know Perl, HTML and
> Javascript quite well, but CGI not at all.
> I'm writing a simple file-upload Perl script. I have all the form and
> file handling stuff done. I want the script to write an HTML message
> to the user's browser before the upload begins, you know, like
> "Upload in progress". Then when the upload completes, I want to
> replace that screen with "Upload complete".
> I'm trying simple Perl "print" commands in subroutines to write the
> HTML out. Depending on things I try, I'm getting:
> - Both messages are written together AFTER the upload, or
> - The 1st message is written but not the 2nd, or
> - Internal Server Error 500.
> Obviously there's something about writing/updating HTML and program
> flow that I don't get. Is CGI the answer? Please help! I'll send code
> if necessary, but hopefully there's an easy framework for this.

I wonder if you auto-flush the buffer, like:


print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

print "I'm starting to do something";

#...do something...

print "OK I'm done now";

#just a thought

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