On 5/29/03 at 11:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scot Robnett) wrote:

> Okay,
> I've looked at perlre, perlretut, perldoc.com, Learning Perl, and a
> partridge in a pear tree, and I'm still stupid. :)
> Does anyone out there have a working example script that does
> matching over multiple lines, preferably an HTML file? I'm just
> having a lot of difficulty with this and it would help to see some
> real-world stuff. I've POD'd myself to death.

>From perlfaq6:

'I'm having trouble matching over more than one line. What's wrong?'

[...snip lots of useful info and code examples...]

Here's code that finds everything between START and END in a paragraph:

    undef $/;       # read in whole file, not just one line or paragraph
    while ( <> ) {
    while ( /START(.*?)END/sgm ) { # /s makes . cross line boundaries
        print "$1\n";
Perhaps post the code you wrote which does not work, or explain the
specific difficulties that you are having.


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