I need to read in from a temp file that is about 10 megs big in 1.5 meg increments and write results to a database. I can't slurp up the whole temp file because I'm only allowed 2 megs of memory. I was hoping to read in only 1.5 megs per pass of the file but the read seems to be slurping up the whole thing. Do I need sysread?

Anyway, here's my attempt:

open (TEMP, "dataTemp.txt") or die "Can't open dataTemp for reading:$!"; my $offset = 0; while (read TEMP, my $tempbuf, 1500000, $offset) { my @temp = split/[\r\n\f]/, $tempbuf;

foreach my $temp(@temp)
{ my ($label,
$quantity_break) = split/\t/, $temp; next if $genre eq "";
my $inserts = "INSERT INTO bigdata VALUES (

my $sth = $dbh->do($inserts) or warn "Can't load <TEMP> into bigdata: $!:$@";

$offset += 1500000;
close (TEMP);

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