"Aldekein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I am writing a Perl program. The goal of it is to process streaming HTML
> (To describe - the document that you load never end - the new information
> added to the end and sent to the client connected, the connection is not
> after this so it will be used more and more).

This usually isnt going to be possible because HTTP servers usually time out
child servers that run after an amount of time. My mod_perl Apache server
times out requests that run for 3 minutes. You can get your above idea to
work but you will need a custom server.

> Depends on new information received, it will write short information
> constantly and post them somewhere, where interested people are. For
example to
> chat, using the post method.
> I don't know - what is better to use: LWP, Socket connection to the
> Telnet etc. for processing the stream? Advices appreciated.

To follow your "chat" example, I would use perl to get the html to the
browser, then I would have a repeating client side javascript function who's
skeleton might look like this:

function updateChatWindow() {
  var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
  xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = function() { doUpdateChatWindow( xmlDoc ) };
  var pathStr = new String( window.location.pathname );
  pathStr = pathStr.match(/.*\//);

  // populate qString with any request specific info you need to use on the
server to get
  // the right data to the browser. The user's cookies will also be sent in
the request if you
  // set one, so you will be able to do session managment and tracking.
  xmlDoc.load("http://"; + window.location.host + pathStr +
"chatMessages.cgi?" + qString);

function doUpdateChatWindow( xmlDoc ) {
  if ( xmlDoc.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode == 0 ) {
      // use the DOM object to get new data you want to display for the
user, ergo this psudo-code:

      for dataNode in xmlDoc.getElementsByName("dataNode") {
        chatWindowObject.innerHTML = dataNode.value
    } else {
      // error handling

This requires a radical shift in development thinking, because you are using
the browser as an application framework instead of a document viewer. To
complicate matters further, Microsoft's DOM support is different than

One needs to have a firm grasp of XML API's to understand how to implement
this, but it definitely works in the latest netscape and IE browsers very,
VERY well. It also looks alot nicer than the browser window making it's
'click' sound and clearing out and reloading the window every few seconds.

Todd W.

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