Help Please!
I am trying to pass an image link as a label and getting the info back with
&lt characters in it, and thus not displaying the image.  I am trying to
display severl graphic choices for my user, and allow them to select the
"schema" for the website, this is stored in a MySQL table. T1 is the schema
ID and T2 is the description.
Here is the code I have so far.
while (($T1, $T2) = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
 $t1 = img({-src=>"/images/$T1/help.jpg", -border=>0, -align=>center,
height=>25, width=>100}) . "$T2\n";  
 $slbl{$T1} =$t1 ; push @sval, $T1; 
print Tr(td((radio_group({-name=>'SCHEMA_ID', -default=>$SCHEMA_ID,
-linebreak=>'Y', -values=>[EMAIL PROTECTED], -labels=>\%slbl}))));
Thanks for any help!
John Herbold
      ( o o )
|                \       
|                 \             
| Rockets for Fun:                             =,,,
| John W. Herbold Jr. <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|                                              =```
|  .oooO          /
|  (   )   Oooo. /
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