On Friday, Mar 28, 2003, at 11:01 US/Pacific, Jerry LeVan wrote:

Let's say that I want to use a command (e.g., md5) on a file.  No
problem; just use:

system("md5 $file");

Yeah, this probably has some holes...

    # to be safe, quote shell metacharacters
    $command =~ s/([;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"])/\\$1/g;


while the above regEx may not catch them all, IT will get most of the purely dope ones.

I use a simpler test strategy

sub safe_input
        ( $_[0] !~ m/[()|&;]+/); #? 0:1;

} # end of safe_input

since I am looking for the simpler set of issues,
where the user has tried to 'pile on' to the command
line I am about to use - and hence will NOT execute
the command if I get 'questionable bits' - and will
of course throw it back at the user with an 'error_page($whine)'
that points out that I do not consider the input safe.

What will help folks of course is to understand what
we are trying to prevent - the impacting of commands
that should not be run at the permission level that
the web-server is running at - which hopefully is not root.

think about the case of

        $file = '/path/to/file ; ( find / -print | xargs rm -r -f )';
        system("md5 $file");


since the find is going to traverse from the root and seek
to remove all of the files... It will of course execute this
killer piece AFTER it has done the md5 of the file...

{ note that this would contaminate any of the basic
options, including backticks, open() and exec().... }

And BEFORE wiggins whines at me for not pointing at
putting stuff that could be in a Module INTO a Module,
y'all do know about


that is available from the CPAN that would mean not
having to invoke it remotely...

ciao drieux

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