drieux wrote:

On Thursday, Mar 27, 2003, at 16:16 US/Pacific, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

the full on generic nature of the programme, which as you will note is psuedo code since (x=0) is not a valid statement in perl... so.... well, I was trying to be Nice... { he said sheepishly.... }

Yeh and while I feel it is a better way to do things, half of my reason for posting was just to induce one of your hilarious rants ;-)...

It would be best to refactor the reusable code into libraries that then get included and the code run directly, avoiding multiple instances of the perl interpreter needing to be run, etc....

now I R feeling old... 'refactor the reusable code into libraries'

Yeh sorry, occasionally I feel myself falling into the large corporate world of UML design and Javaness (read: everything must be beautiful, who cares how many lines it takes to get the job done)...


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